

The Library plays a central role in enhancing the quality of academic and research environment in Education institutions. Our College has a well-maintained library, having around 5750 books with latest magazines and Journals. Area of the Library is 920 sq. feet. The library used Vriddhi V2.1 ILMS till 2020-21. However, for the year 2021-22 and 2022-23, the library has maintained the data manually. The new ILMS Campus 360 Library Software is installed in Feb. 2023 and will be fully functional soon. Reading room facility is also available with individual study zones for staff members as well as for students. The College library has a linkage with DELNET,Delhi,DELNET Programme an access to 5000+ e-Journals and 1,00,000+ ebooks are made available to readers. This facility is being provided to the students & staff members.

Special Features-

  • -> Library orientation to newly admitted students
  • -> Open access for college students & faculties
  • -> Book home lending facility
  • -> Students I Card service
  • -> Students Marksheet Service
  • ->Question Paper Sets
  • ->Separate Attendance registers are kept at main entrance for students and staff.
  • -> Information Display Boards
  • -> Reading room Capacity for 60 Students
  • -> Special book collection to Competitive examinations
  • ->Internet Facility for all students & faculties.
  • -> College E-content Repository
  • -> Circulation of newly added book list to concern departments
  • -> News Paper cuttings of college activities and special occasions
  • -> Book Exhibition on occasion of special events
  • -> Linkage with DELNET,Delhi.

Library Sections

1.Student & Staff Circulation section

This section performs issue, renewal, return of books by using library management software. Apart from these basic tasks many other jobs like membership registration, issue no-dues certificate, inter library loan, overdue fine collection, ID Cards,distribution of exam hall tickets and marksheets etc.

2.Book Acquisition and Technical Processing Section.

The new books acquired by library are processed in this section from accessioning to barcode and QR code labels are pasting are completed here.

3.Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) kept at the entrance helps users to search the books available in library and live status of it.

4.Periodical section

The current journals received in the library are displayed on Periodical Display Racks. Proper signages are displayed for Journals and Magazines on racks.

5.Reading Hall

The library has an independent precious reading hall on the first floor of library. The users of the library can make use of this reading hall. It comprises separate section for the boys and girls having capacity of 60 students.

6.Newspapers section

There are 20 local, state and national level newspapers are available for library users.


The 03 computers with internet facility are made available in e-library for students, researchers and staff to access subscribed as well as open access e-resources available on internet. The library provides BSNL Fiber Optic Connection with 100 Mbps Internet speed.

9 am to 5.30 pm on Monday to Friday and 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. on Saturday

Library at a Glance
Library Automation

Sr.No. Particulars Description
1 Name of The ILM Software CAMPUS 360 LIBRARY SOFTWARE By Hiray Media Technology Pvt Ltd. Nashik
2 Nature of Automation Partially
3 Year of Automation Feb.2023

Library Infrastructure

1 Total Library Area 920 sq. feet
2 Reading Room Capacity 60 Students
3 Internet Bandwidth 100 mbps
4 Computers for Library administration 02
5 Computers for Students & Staff 03
6 Printer 01
7 Bar Code Reader 01
8 I-Card Lamination Machine 01
9 Paper Cutter 01

Library Resources

1 Total Books 5750
2 Text Books 5050
3 Reference Books 700
4 Periodicals/Magzines 15
5 E-Books 1,00,000+ (Through DELNET Programme)
6 E-Journals 5,000+ Full-text E-journals
7 Educational Videos 3131 (e-PG Pathshala, NPTEL, Swayam)
8 CDs 10
9 News Papers 06
10 Library Linktree view

Library Committee

Library Committee is an advisory body to advise the authority on the policy matters relating to the management of the Library. The policy matters on which they make recommendations would include finalization of Library annual budget, sub-allocation of Library budget to different categories of expenditure like, books, journals required by each Department, and for equipment and staff requirement, finalization of library rules etc.

Sr.No. Name of Member Designation
1 Dr.U.B.Kadam Principal/Chairman
2 Dr.R.G.Shewale Vice-Principal
3 Dr.S.A.Wagh IQAC Coordinator
4 Mr.K.V.Nikam Member
5 Miss.Bhagyashri Mahajan Student Representative
6 Dr.S.U.Patil Librarian/Secretary

Library Services

The library offers many services in support of academic and research work. Some of the major services offered are listed below.

Circulation Services:

Circulation section is the gateway between library users and collection, so it plays a major role to any Library System. This section performs issue, renewal, return of books by using library management software. All kind of queries by the readers are being performed by this section.

Book Bank Scheme

The library has started a separate Book-Bank Section to the under graduate from economically and socially backward class. Every year thousands of students are getting benefit of this visionary idea of MGV Management. Under this scheme students can issue a set of 4 books for the academic year by submitting prescribed form.

Reference and Information Services

The library is always ready to provide personal assistance or reference service to its readers. It helps to search and retrieve the information required to readers from various sources of information by providing reference service.

Inter Library Loan

Library has developed linkage with MSG College,Malegaon & KBH Law College Malegaon, so as to access the related books and other collection by our students.

Current Awareness Service

New arrival books:

The library provides the current awareness service by displaying new books arrived in library collection. The cover pages of newly added books are displays on board at the entrance of the library.

Newspaper Clipping-

The news from various newspapers are clipped by library to provide current information related or about UGC, universities and other institutes of parent organization with management.

Telegram Job Alerts-

The library has started a Telegram Channel of College to aware our students about latest updates on job announcements or recruitment notifications. More than 500 students and teachers are joined to this channel. It also helps to notify them about admission, results and various college activities carried out in college. Student can join this channel by clicking the below link on Telegram

Library Rules-

  • ->All books must be returned on or before the due date.
  • -> Members are required to carry their I-card to gain entry in the library.
  • -> The given library card is to be made in the daily register kept in the library.
  • -> A compulsory entry is to be made in the daily register kept in the library
  • -> Members are required to deposit their bags/belongings at the entrance of library.
  • -> Silence is mandatory in the study areas loud conversations forbidden.
  • -> Charging mobile phones,laptops and Personal audio equipment use is not premiered
  • E-Resources-

    College Library is a gateway of information to its users by becoming member of INFLIBNET-NLIST & DELNET New Delhi as well as making available open access online sources of information.

    Subscribed E-Resources-



  • Open Educational Resources

    Name Links
    Free/Open Access Resources view
    DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals view
    DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books view
    SWAYAM view
    ePathshala view
    eGyanKosh view
    e-PG Pathshala view
    लोकराज्य मासिक अंक view
    NCERT Books view
    Yojana Magazine (1972- 2008) view
    My Government view
    SWAYAM view
    NDLI view
    "Books and Toys" view
    GeoGebra for Teaching & Learning Math view

    Open Access Newspapers

    Newspaper Name Links
    Lokmat view
    Divya Marathi view
    Maharashtra Times view
    Times of India view
    Samana view
    Indian Express view
    Punyanagari view
    Deshdoot view
    Loknama view
    Sakal view
    Employment News view


    Audio/Video Study Material-

    Sr.No. Audio/Video Study Materials Links.
    1 Syllabus based Audio Lectures for Commerce(F.Y.B.Com.) students view
    2 Syllabus based Audio lectures for F.Y.B.A Dist. Edu view
    3 Syllabus based Audio Lectures for S.Y.B.A. view
    4 Syllabus based Audio Lectures for T.Y.B.A. view
    5 Syllabus based Audio Lectures for T.Y.B.A . Sem V view
    6 Syllabus based Audio Lectures for M.A. view

    Library Staff-

    Sr.No. Name of Staff Designation Post
    1 Mr.Shubham U.Patil Bsc.Agri,M.Lib.Isc.,NET,SET Librarian
    2 Mr.Kailas Nikam BA Lib.attendant
    3 Mr.Baliram Hiray MA,B.Lib Peon

    Library Linktree –

  • Photo Gallery-

    Contact Us-

    Mr.Shubham U.Patil
    KBH Arts,Science & Commerce College,Nimgaon Tal-Malegaon,Dist-Nashik
    Email -[email protected]
    Mobile No-9881771112
  • Map-