Department of Computer Science

About the Department

Name of Department :Department of Computer Science

Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s,

KBH Art’s, Science & Commerce College, Nimgaon

Tal.Malegaon, Dist. Nashik. - 423212

  • Computer Science Department Profile:
  • The Department of Computer Science was established at Karmaveer Bhausaheb Hiray College in 2023 with commencement graduation in Computer Science course affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. The Department is well equipped with necessary facilities and resources for teaching. The sincere and dedicated academic and non academic staff members have been the pillars of this department. Principal areas of study within Computer Science include artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics and theory of computing. The booming Information Technology sector presents large-scale job opportunities for fresh computer science graduates. Career in Information Technology is considered one of the most high-paying jobs and is imbued with opportunities particularly in an era where India’s specialty in information technology industry is recognized globally.

  • 1. To impart high quality professional training at the undergraduate level with an emphasis on basic principles of computer science.
  • 2. To impart moral and ethical values and interpersonal skills to the students.
  • 3. Assist the development of Graduates to get placement in various companies.
  • To be renowned itself as a reputed organization in Computer Science Education and aimed towards betterment of society.


Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization

SrNo Photo Name of Faculty Qualification Designation Mobile No Email
1 ANSARI IMTIYAZ AHMED Ph.D.,SET, M.C.S. Head of Department 919270057734 [email protected]
2 Durde Sangita Shankar MSc(Maths),B.Ed.,SET Lecturer of Mathematics 8830132900 [email protected]
2 Khairnar Pratidnya Raju M.Sc.(Physics) Lecturer of Electronics 9767678657 [email protected]
2 Mote Jalindar Dattatray MSc(Maths) Lecturer of Statistics 9322367585


Name Computer Laboratory
Area 40 Sq. Mtr
Lab In-charge Dr. I. A. Ansari
Software Installed Ubuntu 20.04, GCC, Python, PostgreSQL, Maxima, Libre Office
Hardware No. of Computers:15(Intel® Core™ i5, RAM - 8GB, HDD - 1TB )No. of Printers: 01 (Canon P2900)
Features All computers are in LAN using a 24-port switch having Internet Facility


Sr. Class Stream Admitted Students Candidate Appeared for Exam. (Incl.Backlog) Candidate Passed Result Stream
1 FYBSc (CS) Computer Science 72 70 0 0 2 18 29 11 0 0 60 85.71%


Class : FYBSc(CS) Academic Year : 2023-24 Semester-I

Rank Name of Student SGPA Grade
1st Shewale Ashwini Bharat 8.34 O
2nd Hire Chetan Nivrutti 8.02 A+
3rd Khairnar Digvijay Sanjay 7.95 A+

SWOC Analysis:

SWOC is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of a Department. It involves specifying the objective of the department and identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable. The strengths and weaknesses usually arise from within the department and the opportunities and Challenges from external sources.

  • Strength:
    • Qualified, experienced and dedicated teaching faculty.
    • Effective use of ICT in teaching learning process.
    • Student centric approaches for mentoring and effective academic monitoring.
    • Social responsibility is inculcated through NSS.
    • Safe and Secure Environment for girl students.
  • Weakness:
    • Lack of consultancy projects.
    • faculties are appointed as adhoc basis.
    • Improvement in aptitude and communication skills of students.
    • No research publication in Scopus or web of science citation.
    • MoUs and research projects industry institute interaction need to be maintained.
    • Generally students having good academic performance are preferring to take admission in cities,College is located in rural areas therefore average students are taking in college.
  • Opportunities:
    • Develop emerging programs/courses such as IT and mobile computing.
    • Offer more online courses Student-taught seminar series Presenting eye-catching uses of computer science.
    • Increase CS student enrollment, such as enlarge CS size with including similar programs, e.g., BBA-CA, MBA-CA, MSc(CS) and enlarge CS size including non local students.
    • Expand outreach activities, e.g., high school programming contests.
    • Promoting industrial training to students for completing project work.
    • Contribution in conducting Faculty Development Programme. Short Term Training Programme, Conference
    • Exploring higher internship opportunities for students.
    • Conduction of value added technical certifications for the students.
    • Promoting interdisciplinary projects.
    • Challenges:
    • Promoting consultancy, sponsored project And MOUs from industry.
    • Strengthen the alumni interaction.
    • Training the major hub of students coming from rural backgrounds.
    • Introducing full time P.G. Course, Growth of research lab., Library Infrastructure and Research facility.
    • Future Plans:
    • Introducing a PG course in the department.
    • Organizing FDP/STTP for faculty development.
    • To develop faculty website, blogs, forums for assignment submission and assessment.
    • Create domain expertise among faculty for attracting consultancy