Department of English
About the Department
Name of Department :Department of English
Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s,
KBH Art’s, Science & Commerce College, Nimgaon
Tal.Malegaon, Dist. Nashik. - 423212
- Vision: To promote the basic literacy of each student with the four basic skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
- Mission: To support students in acquiring English for effective communication and to provide way to new job opportunities
- Objectives of the Department- Our over-riding aim is to ensure that each student, whatever their ability, should reach their full potential. Developing their English and Literacy skills is of course fundamental to unlocking their potential across the academic curriculum.
To encourage the development of each student’s competence in all aspects of English language
To promote the basic literacy of each student, with the four basic skills, reading, writing, speaking and listening taking priority.
To promote a good working vocabulary of common words.
To encourage the development of each student’s range and competence in all areas of language.
To ensure students leave school with strategies in place to cope with their literacy problems in the wider world.
SrNo | Photo | Name of the faculty member | Date of Joining | Teaching Ex Pertinence |
1 | ![]() |
Dr. Premal Ramesh Deore(HOD) | 24-06-2009 | 15yrs |
2 | ![]() |
Dr. Sandeep Wagh | 15-04-2010 | 16yrs |
Programmes | UG |
B.A | F.Y.B.A (Comp. Opt.) S.Y.B.A (Comp. Spl.) T.Y.B.A (Comp. Spl.) |
B.Com. | F. Y. B. Com (Comp. Add.) SY B.Com Business Communication |
B.Sc. | S. Y.B.Sc (Opt.) |
Others | Certificate Course |
2013 Pattern | ||||
Sr. No. | Class | Course | Course Name | |
1 | F.Y.B.A | Com. | Visionary Gleam | |
2 | F.Y.B.A | Opt. | Interface : English Literature and language | |
2 | S.Y.B.A. | Com. | Literary Landscape | |
4 | S.Y.B.A | G-2 | Advanced study of English Language | |
5 | S.Y.B.A. | S-1 | Understanding Drama | |
6 | S.Y.B.A. | S-2 | Understanding Poetry | |
7 | T.Y.B.A. | Com | Literature Pinnacles | |
8 | T.Y.B.A. | G-3 | Advanced study of English Language and literature | |
9 | T.Y.B.A. | S-3 | Appreciating Novels | |
10 | T.Y.B.A. | S-4 | Introduction to Literary criticism | |
2019 Pattern | |||||
Sr. No. | Class | Subject | Sem | Course Code | Course |
1 | FYBA | Compl. Eng | 1 2 |
11001 12001 |
Compulsory English |
2 | FYBA | Opt. Eng. | 1 2 |
11331 12331 |
Optional English |
3 | SYBA | Compl. Eng | 3 4 |
23001 24001 |
Compulsory English |
4 | SYBA | G - 2 | 3 4 |
23333 24333 |
Advanced study of English Language |
5 | SYBA | S - 1 | 3 4 |
23331 424331 |
Appreciating Drama |
6 | SYBA | S - 2 | 3 4 |
23332 24332 |
Appreciating Poetry |
7 | SYBA | SEC | 3 4 |
23334 24334 |
Mastering Communication Skills |
8 | TYBA | Compl. Eng | 5 6 |
35001 36001 |
Compulsory English |
9 | TYBA | S - 3 | 5 6 |
35331 36331 |
Appreciating Novels |
10 | TYBA | S - 4 | 5 6 |
35332 36332 |
Introduction to Literary criticism |
11 | TYBA | SEC | 5 6 |
35334 36334 |
Mastering Life Skills And Life Values |
12 | F.Y.B.Com | Compulsory English | 1 2 |
111 121 |
Compulsory English |
13 | F.Y.B.Com | Additional English | 1 2 |
117 A 127 A |
Additional English |
14 | S.Y.B.Sc. | Language : English | 3 4 |
23321 24321 |
Language : English |
List of Research Guides | ||||
Sr. No. | Name of Research Guide | Designation | University | No. of student Registered |
1 | Dr. Sandeep Wagh | Asst. Prof. | Pune | 2 |
Research Publication | ||||
Sr.No. | Name of the Faculty | No. of Papers published in UGC Care/Peer reviewed Journal | No. of Papers presented in Seminar/Conference | No. Of Conference/Seminar /Workshop attended /Participated |
1 | Dr. Premal R. Deore | 17 | 10 | 31 |
2 | Dr. Sandeep Wagh | 12 | 10 | 15 |
Research Publication | |||||
Sr.No. | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number |
1 | Oleander Girl:an Odeyssy of Indian (Immirgat)Women towards modernity | Dr. Kalyan S.Kokane | Research Journey | 2018 | 2348-7143 |
2 | A Vent to the American Man's Problems Through The Use Of Naturalism,Humanism&Psychological Realism As Symbolical Strategy | Dr.Premal R.Deore | Research Journey | 2018 | 2348-7143 |
3 | Making Higher Education More Effective, Meaningful and Useful | Dr.Premal R.Deore | Ajanta | 2019 | 2277-5730 |
4 | Recent Kannada Literature and Translation | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Research Journey | 2019 | 2348-7143 |
5 | The Task Of The Translator In The Process Of Translation | Dr.Premal R.Deore | Research Journey | 2019 | 2348-7143 |
6 | Culture Studies and Linguistic Creativity Of Language | Dr.Premal R.Deore | Research Journey | 2019 | 2348-7143 |
7 | Post 1990 Indian English Novel | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Think India Journal | 2019 | 0971-1260 |
8 | A Brief Survey Of Adivasi(Tribal)Literature In Maharashtra | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Journal Of The Gujarat Research Society | 2019 | 0374-8588 |
9 | Enhaancing Envirornmental Literacy Through Literature | Dr.Premal R.Deore | Research Journey | 2019 | 2348-7143 |
10 | The Contribution Of Karmaveer Bhausaheb Hiray In Sanyukta Maharashtra Campaign | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Akshar Wangmay | 2020 | 2229-4929 |
11 | Online Dating Sitesand Women Trolling | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Our Heritage | 2020 | 0474-9030 |
12 | A New Women In Oleander Girl | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Our Heritage | 2020 | 0474-9030 |
13 | Socio-Cultural Representation in the oral folk literature of Karnatakaand maharashtra | Dr. Kalyan S.Kokane | Akshar Wangmay | 2020 | 2229-4929 |
14 | Ancient Languages and Literature Of Maharashtra | Dr. Kalyan S.Kokane | Our Heritage | 2020 | 0474-9030 |
15 | Recent Teaching Learning Experience in higher Education Today | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Studies in Indian Place Names | 2020 | 2394-3114 |
16 | Digital Reading Repository | Dr. Kalyan S.Kokane Purakala | 2020 | 0971-2143 | |
17 | Recent Teaching-Learning Experience In Higher Education | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Langlit | 2021 | 2349-5189 |
18 | Yog and Meditation | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | New Man International journal Of Multidisciplinary Studies | 2021 | 2348-1390 |
19 | The Feminism Identity in shashi deshpande's novels | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Research Journey | 2021 | 2348-7143 |
20 | Sustenance of Education through the Google Classroom : An Online Learning Tool | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Research Journey | 2021 | 2348-7143 |
21 | Impact Of Gender Discrimination in Shashi Deshpande's 'The Dark holds No Terrors' | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Research Journey | 2021 | 2348-7143 |
22 | Impact of Covid -19 On Online &Digital Learning | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Worldwide International Inter Disciplinary Research Journal | 2022 | 2454-7905 |
23 | Literature and Deprieved Classes | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Vivek Research Journal | 2022 | 2281-8848 |
24 | Marginalisation of Women in Shashi Deshpande's That Long Silence | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | sanshodhak | 2022 | 2394-5990 |
25 | Folk Elements in the plays of Girish Karnad | Mr. Anil K.Aher | Akshar Wangmay | 2022 | 2229-49229 |
26 | New Education Policy 2020 and it's Impact on Higher Education | Dr. Bhatat P. Shewale | Research Journey | 2022 | 2348-7143 |
27 | New Education Policy 2020 and it's Impact on Higher Education | Dr. Bhatat P. Shewale | Niruprah | 2022 | 2394-2223 |
28 | Principles of National Education Policy | Dr.Kalyan S.Kokane | Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 2022 | 2582-5429 |
29 | 3.Realism is Raja Rao’s Kanthapura | Dr. Sandeep A. Wagh | Sambodhi | 2022 | 2249-666 |
30 | 2.The Myth of Yavakari in Girish Karnad’s ‘The Fire and the Rain’ | Dr. Sandeep A. Wagh | Research Journey | 2022 | 2348-7143 |
31 | Depiction of the Marginalized in ‘The God of Small Things. | Dr. Sandeep A. Wagh | Sanshodhak | 2023 | 2394-5990 |
Top Alumni
Sr.No. | Name of the Student | Current Designation | Address | Contact Number | Year of Passing |
1 | Ketan Baliram Hiray | Teacher | Guruvarya Da. Bowa Primary Ashramshala, Saundane | 8208232933 | 2019 |
2 | Nikita Rajendra Wagh | Working as co-ordinator of ASSK in Village Council (Village Panchayat) | Ask OF Matori Village Panchayat, Tal. Nashik, Dist. Nashik | 7887750141 | 2018 |
Seminar /Conference/Workshop Organized:
Sr. No | Year | Title | Level | No. Of Participant |
1 | 16th & 17th July,2020 | National Workshop (Teacher Training Programme ) on Utilizing Digital Resources for E-Content Development | National | 695 |
2 | 17th Sep. 2020 | National Webinar on “The linguistic in Literacy and the Literacy in Language:Paradigms and Practices” | National | 58 |
3 | Date :25th Sep,2020 | National Level Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights” | National | 95 |
4 | Date : 21 & 22 Feb.2023 | A National Conference on Implementation of Naational Education Policy 2020 : Multidiciplnary Education | State | 60 |

A National Conference on Implementation of National Education Policy 2020 : Multidiciplnary Education

Principal Dr. Subhash Nikam delivering presidential speech in online webinar.

Department visit to library

Dr. Bharat Shewale visited to Library along with English department students

Activity under MOU : Dr. Premal Deore along with English Department students visited to Library at Nimgaon.

Wall Magazine
- To promote students to write essays on the literary topics, poems etc. they also write on the current mode of language use.
- To prepare students for facing communication challenges.
- To promote students to write essays on the literary topics, poems etc. they also write on the current mode of language use.
- To equip them with literary awareness department has founded the Literary Association.
- To promote students to write essays on the literary topics, poems etc. they also write on the current mode of language use.
- To promote the genre of literature and prolific writers. To make students get attracted towards research.
- To promote students to write essays on the literary topics, poems etc. they also write on the current mode of language use.
- To participate in several activities as writing short stories, anecdotes, biblical references, good thoughts, informative passages, synonyms, antonyms, proverbs, new idioms and phrases, group words, etc.
- Promote them to write about social workers, their contribution to society.
Essay Writing Competition
- To improve the writing skills of students and to enhance their research aptitude which tries to evoke their social responsibilities. It also shapes their mental process of expressing their thoughts on the paper.
Paper Reading Competition
- To develop the reading habit among students and to make them aware about diverse reading resources.
- To prepare papers on their favorite topics from the related books and other sources.
- To develop the research aptitude among students.
- To help students to improve their pronunciation and speaking skills.
- To make them confident while sharing the stage.
- It offers them many facets of suspense, entertainment and information deliverance.
- It helps to improve the musical understanding of the students.
- It develops the student ability of memorization and improves pronunciation.
- It makes students familiar with the technical aspects of poem like metre, rhyme, rhythm, figures of speech etc.
- To make them familiar with various poets, and different genre of poem.
Teaching methods adopted to improve student Learning

Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension tivities
- Students of the English department voluntarily participated in Pulse Polio Campaign held at Primary Health Center Nimgaon. This initiative was held on 3rd March 2024 and was continued up to 8th March . On 5th March 2024 Students of English department actively participated in this initiative and extend their helping hand in this campaign as a part of social responsibility. The theme of this polio campaign was “Vaccines for All”.
- Students of English department actively participated in Blood Donation camp on 21/10/2023

Active participation of students in Pulse Polio Campaign

Active participation of students of English department in Blood donation camp
Sr.No. | Name of the activity | Name of the agency | Date |
3 | Visit to Shri Shivajirao Hiray Competitive exam library at Nimgaon | Shri Shivajirao Hiray Competitive exam library Nimgaon | 05/10/2023 |

Visit To Library Of K.B.H.Law College , Malegaon Camp

Students of English Department reading Books from Library of K.B.H.Law College, Malegaon Camp.
Swoc Analysis
- Strength:-
- Well Qualified Faculty
- Better Research Activities
- Good academic performance
- Qualified and award winning faculty forms the pillars for the strength of this Department, who are fully capable of directing & utilizing the talent of the students through various co-curricular and extracurricular activities, research and use of ICT.
- The Department publishes its wall magazine
- The department uses lingua phones to develop the pronunciation ability of the students
- Rural background of the students is a hindrance in English learning. Due to rural area students we face the problem of dropout and communication in English, because proficiency in the language has became essential to land in good jobs and the global world of today.
- To introduce P.G. Courses
- To introduce certificate courses in Creative Writing , Media , and Translation
- Various job opportunities are available for the students like journalism, advertising, public relations, translations and teaching and learning etc.
- Challenges:
- Being rural area students Dept. faces the problems of fear about English and due to first generation learners faces the impact of local communication
- Future Plans of the Dept:
- To develop communicative competence of our students through well-equipped Language Lab .
- To organize national/international level seminars & conferences.
- To Start P.G. Courses in English.
- To Commence Certificate Courses in Communication Skills in English
- The Dept. plans to intensify the use of ICT and lay more emphasis on interactive teaching for good communication in English.
- The dept. also plans to organize seminar /conferences, guest lecture series.
- The department also plans to start ‘Movie Club’ for the students of all streams.
- Best practice of Department:
- 1.English Literary Association
- 2.Teaching English Language Skills across the Curriculum
- 3.Provide opportunities for Students to Collaborate effectively and to face career opportunities globally.
- 4.Certificate Courses:
- Awards of Students and teacher
- Dr. Premal is honoured by Dainik Balekilla Samarth Pratisthan on 8th March 2024 for academic contribution in the field of teaching.

Certificate Course/Add on Course
Sr. No. | Title of the Course | Year | Duration | Students Enrolled |
1 | A Certificate Course in Business Communication | 2018-19 | 30 Hrs | 76 |
2 | Introduction to The Soft Skills for Better Employability | 2023-24 | 30 Hrs | 30 |