Department of Geography

About the Department

Name of Department :Department of Geography

Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s,

KBH Art’s, Science & Commerce College, Nimgaon

Tal.Malegaon, Dist. Nashik. - 423212


Sr. No. Particulars Page No.
1 Introduction 03
2 Program Run by the Department 06
3 Teaching Faculties 08
4 Students Enrolment 09
5 Result Analysis 10
6 Research Publications & Consultancy 10
7 Infrastructure and Learning Resources 12
8 Student Support and Progression 12
9 Extension Activities & Departmental Activity 13
10 Best Practice 14
11 Future Plan 14
  • K. B. H. College has been started on June 2000, with degree at B.A. level. B.Sc level has been started in the academic year 2019-20. Prin. Dr. S.N. Nikam was founder head of the department. Dr. R. S. Deore, Dr. A. D. Pawar & Mr. S. K. Borse worked as the heads of the Department. Dr. S. A. Deore, Mr. A. C. Gaikwad & Mr. Mahendra Khairnar also worked as faculty. Now Mr. S. K. Wagh has been working as head of the department w.e.f. Feb. 2023. This is one of the oldest departments in the college, with high reputation for academic excellence with a strong and dedicated faculty. Department conducts undergraduate study program at B.A. level, Geography Subject as a subsidiary and principal level. Dr. S. N. Nikam has been working as a BOS member for University of Pune (2010-2014). Our faculties are aware about their responsibilities hence the department became dynamic and contemporary.

    The Department of Geography provides quality education & realizes its responsibilities towards society. The various courses taught in Geography provide the base for national integration & management of disaster. Our students have participated in intercollegiate debating competition and essay competition, elocution competition organized by other colleges. Past students of the Department are holding different positions in different fields after completion of degree. Some of them have been working as a lecturer, teachers in senior, junior colleges and in schools.

    Under the guidance of institutional patrons Dr. Samajzshri. Prashantji Hiray, Dr. Apoorva Hiray, Ex. Member of legislative Council Maharashtra, Shri. Advay aba Hiray (Patil), Coordinator, Dr. S. N. Nikam , now department is progressing towards excellence.

  • To train the students about Geographical and Environmental Knowledge with its applicability to solve their local and community problems
  • To identify and develop the abilities of students for their Personal, Social and National development.
    To develop creative, productive and independent thinking among students for research and innovation.
    To initiate the maximum local & community participation among students.
  • To develop concern for the diversity of the natural environment, and understanding of human and physical processes.
    To encourage an appreciation of the role that geography can play in the analysis of contemporary issues at a variety of scales.
    To develop student’s abilities in field-based investigations of geographical phenomena.
    To enhance the ability of students for employment, to inculcate Geographical Research aptitude among students to make them globally competent.
  • Teaching Methods

Branches of Geography

Physical Geography Human Geography Geographic Techniques
Geomorphology Economic Geography Geographical Information System
Climatology Historical Geography Remote Sensing
Oceanography Social Geography Cartography
Bio-Geography Political Geography Statistical Geography
Pedology Population Geography Mathematical Geography
Environmental Geography Settlement Geography
Trade & Transportation Geography
Agricultural Geography
Medical Geography
Anthropo Geography
Cultural Geography
  • Career Opportunities in Geography
  • Geography is a description of life evolving planet i.e., Earth Logically, it become a genetic mother of all science. Hence there is a natural tie up of Geography with many disciplines. Geographer can make their career as a teacher

    Watershed developer
    Regional and urban Planner and Land Developer
    Natural Resource Developer & Conservator
    Environmental manager
    Assistant Geologist
    Forest Manager
    Political Geography
    Economic Geographer
    Historical Geography
    Agricultural Geographer
    Tourist Transportation Manager
    Land surveyor
    Disaster manager & Predictor
    GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist.
    Art’s Faculty
    Sr. No. Class Subject Code Subject
    1 FYBA G1 Semi I Gg. 110 A
    Semi II Gg. 110 B
    Physical Geography
    Human Geography
    2 SYBA G2
    Value/Skill Based Course
    Value/skill Based Course
    Semi. III Gg. 201
    Semi. III Gg. 220
    Semi. III Gg. 210
    Semi. III SEC 2 A
    Semi. IV Gg. 201
    Semi. IV Gg. 220
    Semi. IV Gg. 210
    Semi. IV SEC 2 1 B
    Environment Geography I
    Geography of Maharashtra I
    Practical Geog. I (Scale & Map Projection)
    Applied Course of Disaster Management
    Environment Geography II
    Geography of Maharashtra II
    Practical Geog. II (Cartography Techniques Surveying & Excursion / Village Report
    Applied Course of Disaster Management II
    3 TYBA G3
    Value/skill Based Course
    Value/Kill Based Course
    Semi. V Gg. 310 A
    Semi. V Gg. 320 A
    Semi. V Gg. 301
    Semi. SEC 2 C
    Semi. VI Gg. 310 B
    Semi. VI Gg. 320 B
    Semi. VI Gg. 301
    Semi. SEC 2 D
    Geography of Tourism- I
    Geography of India –I
    Practical Geography – I (Techniques of Spatial Analysis)
    Research Methodology I
    Geography of Tourism- II
    Geography of India –II
    Practical Geography -II (Surveying / Project Report}
    Research Methodology II
    Science Faculty
    Sr. No. Class Subject Code Subject
    4 FYBSc Paper I

    Paper II

    Paper III
    Semi I Gg. 111
    Semi. II Gg. 121
    Semi. I Gg. 112
    Semi. II Gg. 122
    Semi. I Gg. 113
    Semi. II Gg. 123
    Introduction to Physical Geography I (Geomorphology)
    Introduction to Human Geography II
    Intro. Physical Geography II (Geog. Atmosphere & Hydrosphere)
    Population & Settlement Geography I
    Practical in Physical Geography I
    Practical in Human Geography II
    5 S.Y.BSc Paper I

    Paper II

    Paper III

    Semi. III Gg. 231
    Semi. IV Gg. 241
    Semi. III Gg. 232
    Semi. IV Gg. 242
    Semi. III Gg. 233
    Semi. IV Gg. 243
    Environment Geography I
    Environment Geography II
    Geography of Maharashtra - I (Physical)
    Geography of Maharashtra - II (Human)
    Surveying I
    Surveying II
    Certificate Courses
    Sr. No. Name of the Course Duration No. of Students Attended
    1 Certificate Course in Tourism 2nd Dec. 2019 to 4th Jan.2020 30
    2 Certificate Course in Basic GIS 21 March 2022 to 22 April 2022 30
    Department of Geography
    Sr.No Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Specialization Experience No. of Years
    1 Mr. S. K. Wagh Assi. Professor & Head M.Sc. NET, M. Phil. Ph.D (Pursuing) Geography 17
    Teaching Staff
    Name Mr. S. K. Wagh
    Designation Assi. Professor & Head
    Date of Appointment 01/08/2006
    Area of Specialization Geomorphology
    Educational Qualification M.Sc. NET, M. Phil. Ph.D (Pursuing)
    Teaching Experience 17
    E-mail [email protected]
    Research Paper Published in Journals International
    Research Paper Presented International
    Orientation/Refresher Courses Orientation
    Workshop/Seminar/Conference Webinar Attended
    Extension & Extra-Curricular Activities:
    Working as Head Department of Geography from 2020 to 2021
    Worked as Student Welfare Officer from 2023-24 to till date
    Worked as Examiner, Paper Setter & Moderator at University Examination
    Worked as Senior Supervisor at University Examination
    Lectures delivered in NSS Camps, on special occasions Geography Day, Ozone Day, Population Day
    Worked as Subject Expert for Interview Panel

    Curriculum Aspects

      Savitribai Phule Pune University designs and develops the curriculum for the various courses.
      the faculty participated in framing the syllabi of UG
      Department organized workshops for the revision of syllabi.
      From 2019-20 SPPU implemented Credit Based System for the UG Courses.
      Syllabus as per the guidelines of National Education Policy 2020 to be implemented from Academic Year 2023-2024
      Faculty of the Department always focused on the skill development of the student.
      Departmental seminars, Group Discussion, Competitive exam, exhibition programs and study tours are organized
    Student Strength of the Department (Year Wise)
    Sr. No. No. of Students Class
    2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
    1 FYBA 170 177 150 165 106 110
    2 SYBA 16 25 15 14 12 10
    3 TYBA 16 14 17 06 13 12
    4 FYBSc -- 90 110 110 100 117
    5 SYBSc -- -- 70 65 68 70
    Results: Class wise Result (in percentage)
    Sr. No. Class Academic Years (%)
    2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
    1 FYBA 72.82 100 89.07 94 94
    2 SYBA 100 95.83 100 95 95.10
    3 TYBA 100 100 100 100 100
    4 FYBSc -- 100 80 100 100
    5 SYBSc -- -- 92 96 98
    Research Publication: No. of Research Papers published in peer reviewed journals (National/International)
    Sr. NO Name of the Faculty No. of Research Papers(National Journal) No. of Research Papers in (International Journal) Total
    1 Dr. S. N. Nikam 06 05 11
    2 Mr. S. K. Wagh 04 03 07
    Research Paper presented in seminar & Conference
    Sr. No. Name of Teachers Research Paper presented in seminar & Conference
    International National State level Resource Person
    1. Dr. S. N. Nikam -- 04 01 04
    2. Mr. S. K. Wagh 01 01 02 --
    Seminar/Workshop Organized
    Sr. No. Conference/ Seminars/Workshop/Webinar Topic Sponsoring Agency Date
    1 Webinar Post Covid Environmental issues and Sustainability Geography Department, KBH College, Nimgaon. 22 September 2020
    2 Workshop One day workshop on Syllabus Restructuring SYTY/BSc. SPPU & Geography Department, KBH College, Nimgaon. 19 May 2022

    Academic/Dignitaries Visited to the Department

    Sr.No. Name Place of Work Occasion
    1. Dr. Praveen Saptarshi UGC Emeritus Professor at Departmental Science, SPPU, Pune World Geography Day
    2. Dr. S. K. Wagh MSG College Malegaon World Earth Day
    3. Mr. A. C. Gaikwad J.D. Sawant ASC College, Nashik World Population Day
    4. Dr. C. M. Nikam MSG College Malegaon World Earth Day
    5. Dr. Tushar Shitole ASC College Akurdi, Pune Occasion Syllabi Workshop
    6. Dr. Jotiram More Geography BOS Chairman, SPPU, Pune Occasion Syllabi Workshop
    7. Dr. S. A. Deore MSG College Malegaon Carrier Guidance
    8. Dr. Jitendra Misar ASC College Ravalgaon Geography Day
    9. Dr. Pramod S. Hire Professor Dept. of Geography, H. P. T. College, Nashik Carrier opportunity in Geography
    10. Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi MSG College Malegaon World Ozone Day


    Sr. No. Name of item/Instrument Numbers
    1 Globe 01
    2 Political, Physical Maps 02
    3 Weather Maps 10
    4 Computers 01
    5 Survey of India, Toposheet 02

    Study Material/Resources

    Sr. No. Resources No. of Quantity Total Cost
    1 Books 400 80000
    2 E-Books 50 -----


      Computer, internet and printing facilities.
      Motivate for their career opportunities.
      To develop competitive aptitude amongst the students.
      Identify the potential of each and every student and develop their skills.
      To develop communication skill among the students.
      The student’s environment in the department is friendly and enthusiastic.

    Student Progression

    Student Progression Against % enrolled
    UG to PG course. 11
    Employed 10

    Student Alumni

    Sr. No. Name of Alumni Designation Year of Passing
    1 Naikwade Haridas Ashok Security Guard, Government of Maharashtra 2021-22
    2 Bodke Mahesh Rajaram Security Guard, Government of Maharashtra 2020-21
    3 Mayur B. Shinde Peon, Bank of Maharashtra, Saundane. 2019-20
    4 Sharad S. Hiray Private Company Ltd, Nashik. 2020-21
    5 Bhamare Devang Popatrao Private Compan Ltd, Aurangabad 2020-21
    6 Deshmukh Tanveer Najir Milk Production Dairy, Nimbayati 2020-21


      Field Visit / Study Tour.
      Land Measurement and Awareness About Organic and Pesticide Free Agriculture Practices.
      Mask Distribution and Precaution Agents Covid -19Awareness.


      World Environmental Day
      World Population Day
      World Ozone Day (Quizzes Competition)
      World Geography Day
      World Earth Day (Vasundhara Divas)


    1.Agriculture Land Measurement
    List of Some Beneficiaries of Farm Land Measurement
    Sr. No. Name of the Farmers Village
    1 Manoj S. Hiray Nimgaon
    2 Pravin Ashok Deore Nimbayati
    3 Shantaram Mahadhu Shewale Nimbayati
    4 Babulal Punjaram Shewale Nimbayati
    5 Sahebrao Keval Wagh Zadi
    6 Kadam Ujjain Bhagwan Nimgule
    • MGVs KBH ASC College Nimgaon & MVPs ASC College Nandgaon.
      Party A: Dept. of Geography, Nimgaon college.
      Party B: MVPs ASC College, Nandgaon
      Party C: Soil & Water Testing Lab. H.H.S.S.M.S. College of Agriculture, Malegaon
      Duration: 01/08/2021 to 31/08/2025

      Maximum Students belong to farmer community of both colleges.
      Farmer gate aware about the quality of soil from the Soil health card.
      Soil analysis report is provided with minimum charges
      Soil analysis report help the surrounding area farmers to adopt changes in cropping pa
    • Future Plans of the Dept:
    • To organize National Conference.
      To conduct workshop for guidance for competitive exams.
      To start certificate course of GIS.
      To start certificate course of Land Measurement & Surveying.
      Proposal for Major Research Project.